
How to Integrate Capsule CRM with Salesforce Using MultiSync Made Easy

In this step-by-step guide, we will walk you through the key steps that will help you integrate BigCommerce with Salesforce using an ETL tool – MultiSync Made Easy through API Key.

Step 1 :- To integrate with Capsule CRM first you need to sign up from here. After Creating an Account on ‘developercapsulecrm.com’ with GitHub, create a “New Application”.

Step 2 :- After creating a new application, click on “View Application” button to get details of the app you’ve created.

Step 3 :- Once you’ll click on the view application, you’ll see the credentials just like shown in the screenshot below.

Step 4 :- Here is a link for your API reference.


So, here is our strategic guide to integrating Capsule CRM with Salesforce using our Native ETL tool. Feel free to try out and share your experience with us.

Stay tuned for a more informative guide.

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