Steps to Integrate ConfigCat with Salesforce Using MultiSync Made Easy
In this step-by-step guide, we will walk you through the key steps that will help you integrate ConfigCat with Salesforce using an ETL tool – MultiSync Made Easy through API Key.
But before that, let’s understand the key steps to find the API Key.
Step 1 :- First, if you have your ConfigCat account then Sign it or create a new account and login into it.
Step 2 :- After logging into your account you will see this.
Step 3 :- To find your credential click on My API Credential as you see in the below image.
Step 4 :- Fill the details to get your credential.
Step 5 :- Now, Copy your credentials and the prefix is Basic.
Step 6:- The doc link where you get the information about your API URL.
So, here is our strategic guide to integrating ConfigCat with Salesforce using MultiSync Made Easy. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to contact our support team.