
How to Integrate Nanonets with Salesforce Using MultiSync Made Easy

Discover the key steps to integrate Nanonets with Salesforce using MultiSync Made Easy in this step-by-step guide.

Follow the mentioned below steps for integrating Nanonets with MultiSync Made Easy.

Step 1 :- You can simply log in if you have an account; otherwise, create a new account from here.

Step 2 :- After successful login, you will see something like this as shown in the screenshot below.

Step 3 :- Collect your API key by clicking on the “Account Info API” keys for basic authentication credentials.

Username : Your Api Key

Password : anything

Step 4 :- Now, to get the API URL of Nenonets, click on here.


So, here is our strategic guide to integrating Nanonets with Salesforce using MultiSync Made Easy. If you need any further assistance, please feel free to contact us.

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